For a detailed view of illuminations please choose one of the three overviews (Bd./Vol. 1-1, Bd./Vol. 2-1 and 2-2) of the illuminated pages in the top row. Click on one of the small-sized Bible pages with the left mouse-button and the page will be loaded into a new window. The new window may be changed in its size by pulling at the lower right-hand corner. If no picture appears in the new window your web browser does not include the plugin "Flash". To install Flash please consult "Browser setup" under "Help".

By using the "Help" button at the right you can read more detailed hints on how to use the page. By clicking on the right or left arrows you may turn to the next or previous page. Move your mouse arrow over the illumination of the page. You will see rectangular frames that indicate that these sections may be viewed in detail. Click once with your left mouse button on one of these frames: the selected tendril or initial will move towards you in an enlarged form. You can close this by clicking on a new rectangle or on the enlargement itself. To close the new window with the illuminated page please use the menue of your browser e.g. by clicking first on "File" on the upper bar and then "Close".